During the Pan Baltic Scope project we developed story maps and web based applications that can help and explain the Maritime Spatial Planning process. Open original online source by clicking on the title.
During the Pan Baltic Scope project we developed story maps and web based applications that can help and explain the Maritime Spatial Planning process. Open original online source by clicking on the title.
PlanWise4Blue is an application that combines models of marine economy and cumulative impact assessment. Such a model allows one to assess the economic benefits of various management scenarios along with their environmental impact across Estonian sea space. Outcomes of the model make it possible to work towards sustainable solutions to maximize the economic benefit gained from the use of marine resources with minimum damage to the environment. The aim of the economy model is to increase the capacity for knowledge-based management of marine resources and accounting for their potential economic benefits. The aim of the cumulative impact model is to identify various human pressures and account for their cumulative effects on the natural environment, while considering regional differences of nature. The spatial resolution of the model is 1 km2, and the temporal timescale is 1 year.
BASEMAPS is a map service to access Baltic Sea maritime spatial planning (MSP) relevant data from the original source where it is stored. BASEMAPS allows users to view and download data/metadata published by national data providers through OGC open geospatial standards – WMS and WFS. It is aimed for planners, data providers and authorities dealing with maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea.
This application compares cumulative impacts under a baseline and a scenario for high development of offshore wind farms using the HELCOM Baltic Sea Impact Index Cumulative impact Assessment Tool (BSII CAT), developed in EU-funded PanBalticScope project. The baseline map is from the HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report (left pane) and the wind farm scenario from the Baltic LINes 2050 High OWF scenario (right pane).
For further information, see Report on Cumulative Impact Assessment for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region
BSII Cumulative impact Assessment Toolbox (BSII CAT) was developed to facilitate regionally coherent assessments of cumulative impacts. The toolbox includes tools for calculating the Baltic Sea Impact Index and the Baltic Sea Pressure Index. It also supports the identification of areas with high ecological value or high potential provision of ecosystem services, supporting the green infrastructure concept as developed in Pan Baltic Scope. The toolbox enables batch impact assessments and impacts assessments targeting ecosystem components important for green infrastructure in a balanced way. The tool uses regional data as default, but it can also be applied using data layers, if these align with the basic requirements of the tool.
Pan Baltic Scope brings together national authorities and regional organizations towards coherent national maritime planning in the Baltic Sea region and enhances the lasting macro-regional mechanisms for cross-border MSP cooperation.
Ingela Isaksson
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
0046 (0)703 662 529
Liene Strazdina
VASAB Secretariat
+371 29 703 572